September brings a new found appreciation of seed pods! I feel the beginnings of a drawing and embroidery project emerging around the theme of seed pods.
As the abundance of summer begins to subside, I find myself interested in the question of "what remains"? The beautiful, delicate, skeleton of the seed pods represent the memory of the abundance of life it once held in the height of summer as well as holding new life within it's deceased body. Symbiotic and symbolic of my year so far which has involved two beautiful weddings, the joyful naming day ceremony of my Godson, my Grandmother's decease aged 97 and my uncle's house burning to the ground - so the question of "what remains?" is a pertinent one for me this month and I'm grateful for the seed pods for their steadfast skeletal beauty and symbolism of hope and new life.
My summer has been full of family and friends and now I'm back in the studio working on a new embroidery commission; calligraphy commissions and running my new online course for creatives - Ready to Sell.
Some recent work from my new place of residence: Studio 102 in Hackney Downs:
See the new "Calligraphy" section of my website for pricing and examples.
I'm reading "Mindfulness and the Art of Drawing" by Wendy Ann Greenhalgh.
I'm listening to "Magic Lessons" podcast by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love" and more recently "Big Magic - Creative Living Beyond Fear".