The Power Of Drawing #9

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

November is here, this month has been all about the making and it's been great! It brought the launch of my first embroidery kit - "The Modern Sampler" which is now live on my online shop and available to purchase here.

It has been a fantastic process seeing an idea through from thought to finished product. I really enjoyed test-making my own sampler and trying out new stitches, some of which can be seen here:

Samplers have been made for over 400 years as a way of showcasing different stitches so this is a modern sampler version and a great way for people to learn the skill of embroidery. For me, embroidery enables me to draw with a needle and thread. It is also my refuge from the busyness of everyday life. When I'm stitching, I come back into my body and my mind stops racing; it's my "still point in the turning world" (TS Eliot). And generally life feels better when I've got a stitching project or two on the go. I've been lucky enough to have had embroidery passed down to me through 4 generations of women in my family and it's a skill I'd love to pass onto others, plus it's the perfect antidote to social media and screen time. So it's time to #stopscrollingstartstitching with the help of #stillpointstitching.

The kit is designed for beginner embroiderers as well as more experienced stitchers wanting to expand their stitching repertoire. Each kit includes: an organic cotton, hand printed sampler template; a hand bound stitching booklet with hand drawn illustrations detailing instructions for 30 stitches written, sewn and printed by moi; a stylish hand printed project bag that fits conveniently in handbags, enabling you to "stitch on the go" - no more mindless scrolling in the gaps in your day - suddenly the two hour wait at the airport lounge or the morning commute is something to look forward to.

More details on what the kits include and how to buy one can be found here. I have only made 10 kits and 7 have already been sold so click here to avoid disappointment. They make ideal Christmas gifts as they come all beautifully wrapped with lots of hand made details and exclusive access to the private Facebook group "Still Point Stitchers" where help and support is available for stitchers from a creative community as well as a platform to share recent creations and meet like minded people.

I've also been getting back into Lino-printing and have made a series of Christmas cards called "Plane Tree Baubles". I'm inspired daily by the magnificent plane trees in London, this time of year their seed pods are merrily dangling and bobbing about like nature's Christmas tree baubles - so that's the theme of my Christmas cards this year and here are a few pictures:

Packs of cards and gift tags are now available to purchase on my website here.

I will also be taking part in the Kite Studio's Winter Fair on Saturday 24th November where I'll be selling "Modern Sampler" embroidery kits and "Plane Tree Bauble" Christmas cards. Details on the Winter Fair are available here.

So do pop along if you're free on the 24th - I'd love to see you! I will be doing Lino printing demonstrations and using my embossing machine too.