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"Truth is beauty, beauty is truth..."    (John Keats)

A B O U T . . .


Making has always been my biggest source of joy. Growing up on a Welsh mountain side without a TV gave me plenty of space to nurture my creativity.  


Now as an adult, creative projects have become my refuge from the busyness of everyday life; my “still point in the turning world” (TS Eliot).

Making, for me is my meditation; using my hands to make brings my attention back into my body and after a while the chattering thoughts begin to fade.  I find increasingly that having a creative project on the go provides the perfect antidote to the addiction and distraction of social media.  


The Still Point Series is a triad of creative disciplines that help me find more still points in my daily life - sketching, stitching and scribing. 


I strive to create beauty from a place of truth and it is a joy to be able to share my creations with the world.


To find out more, click below to read the interview with The Big Draw or scroll down to read my full artist bio.



I started out as a Primary School Teacher and taught for 15 years in inner city London Schools. My career culminated in a headship at an East London Primary School but in 2018 I took the brave plunge to follow my heart and pursue a career as an artist and maker.



For years I'd pour over books such as "Makers of East London" and "Hackney Studios" on Sunday afternoons, dreaming wistfully of a life as a maker and now I finds myself a fully fledge full-time maker living in East London!


Throughout my career in education, I always really wanted to teach art. Personally, I found relief from the business of work in my many ongoing craft projects. I view craft projects and learning new creative skills as the perfect antidote to the over stimulus of the world of technology, internet and social media.


Growing up on a mountain in Wales without a TV gave me plenty of time to develop my creativity. Coming from a family of creatives - writers, architects, crafters, the skills of drawing, sewing and embroidery were passed down to me through the generations.


Creative, sustainable living!



East London, UK




Marigold the Maker

©2018 by Marigold the Maker. Proudly created with

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